Even State o’ CA puts the brakes on affordable housing boondoggles

Silhouette of a crane at sunset.

Image by World Bank Photo Collection Following Gov. Newsom’s blistering critiques of housing and homelessness spends, so-called affordable housing programs got cut substantially in the state budget. Lynn La reports for Cal Matters about which programs came out on the short end in the budget negotiations. • Affordable housing advocates: In a blow to efforts helping to…

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☆ VTA’s ri$ky plan: Extend BART while starving it

BART train upside down on tracks.

Image by Wikimedia Commons VTA helped thwart a state legislative initiative to bail out BART this Spring, while moving forward with a costly plan to extend BART service through SJ. This inconsistency raises the possibility that future SJ residents will be walking atop a white elephant running under East Santa Clara Street. The unstoppable Marc Joffe explores in another…

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Sacto tries to undermine a ballot initiative that would reform the disastrous Get Out of Jail Free Prop. 47

Get out of jail free card

Image by Seth Anderson The California legislature is trying to sabotage another initiative that would toughen penalties for theft and drug crimes. Why do state politicians fear voters? The Wall St. Journal reports. Law enforcement, businesses and local elected officials across the Golden State are campaigning to roll back parts of Prop. 47. That’s the…

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☆ Billy DeFrank leader supports Doan/Batra call for homelessness audit

Homeless encampment with sign asking for respect.

Image by Wikimedia Commons Gabrielle Antolovich, Board President of the Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Community Center, approves of the SJ CMs’ calls for clarification of different gov’t responsibilities and precise focus on customized services for people in need. An Opp Now exclusive.  When COVID happened a lot of gov’t agencies–including the city, county, and the state– lost a…

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State budget cuts threaten public safety and housing while teachers’ unions keep asking for more money

Coin stacks with red arrow pointing down.

San Jose, CA will lose crucial funding for interim housing units  as Los Angeles Council members push to freeze cops’ salaries. Having taken a break from handing out inflationary stimulus checks, the state now wants to explain the concept of lean government to cities and stakeholders. But teachers’ unions won’t learn the lesson—instead they’re asking for $23…

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