Gov. Newsom, post-Grant’s Pass, signs order directing cities to get “urgent” with homelessness encampments

Image in Public Domain While some CA cities have dawdled since the Grant’s Pass decision to change their flawed strategies toward addressing inhumane homeless encampments, Newsom appears ready to pressure those cities into greater action. NYT reports. Gov. Gavin Newsom will order California state officials on Thursday to begin dismantling thousands of homeless encampments, according…

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Is driving in Silicon Valley subsidized?

Futuristic city with cars and a monorail.

When free marketeers daylight the massive subsidies needed to operate public transit, transit advocates often retort that private automobile driving receives gov’t subsidies, too. The fearless Marc Joffe explores the question in the Cato at Liberty blog, and finds the transit advocates have a legit point.  Subsidizing any form of transportation raises both normative and…

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CAA: Prop 33 is “extremist” rent control

Furnished apartment for rent sign.

Image by H. Michael Karshis According to the California Apartment Ass’n, economists and housing experts from Stanford and UC Berkeley warn that Proposition 33 would worsen California’s housing crisis by hindering new affordable housing construction and overturning state laws mandating more affordable housing. Additionally, Proposition 33 would remove protections for homeowners, allowing regulators to control…

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Statewide rent control initiative continues to split SF liberals

Apartment for rent, 2 bedrooms, man walking.

Yesterday’s rent control advocates are suddenly getting cold feet regarding statewide caps on rental prices, as they realize belatedly that their market-busting schemes have constrained new housing development, exacerbating cost of living and homelessness. The usually liberal SF Grow Report says No to Prop 33. On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors endorsed Prop 33. That…

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Valley Water releases draft Environmental Impact Report on the Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project  

On July 12, 2024, Valley Water released the Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR). This document identifies environmental impacts associated with Valley Water’s plan to build and maintain a series of flood risk reduction improvements along approximately nine miles of Coyote Creek in San José. The improvements would be implemented along…

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