Valley Water begins annual maintenance work in creeks for flood protection

Every year, Valley Water performs work in creeks across Santa Clara County to ensure that flood protection projects continue to provide their designed levels of protection and keep our communities safe. This critical work includes managing vegetation to reduce the intensity and harmful impacts of fires, particularly important when conditions are dry.

Valley Water primarily performs this work as part of our Stream Maintenance Program between June 15 and October 15. Sometimes, Valley Water may request and receive work extensions beyond October 15 to complete projects. Other work, including minor maintenance and vegetation management projects, can occur year-round.

Valley Water owns and manages about 295 miles of streams. Each year, portions of these streams are inspected and prioritized for maintenance projects. Our work generally falls under one of four categories:

  • Bank protection: High and sustained water flows can cause extensive damage to creek banks, eroding existing flood protection improvements and natural elements. Repairing creek banks also helps protect neighboring homes and property from damage.
  • Sediment removal: Sediment and debris washed downstream can restrict the flow of water in some areas. During a heavy storm, these areas of restricted flow could cause water to back up, increasing the risk of flooding. Crews remove sediment to allow stormwater to flow through the creeks as designed.
  • Vegetation management: Valley Water manages over 3,000 acres of vegetation in Santa Clara County. Valley Water selectively removes instream vegetation to maintain flows in streams and riparian corridors. We manage vegetation near streams for maintenance access and fire code compliance, especially critical given the county’s drought conditions and ongoing challenges of climate change. Invasive plant species are also removed to improve ecological health.  
  • Riparian planting: This practice enhances and establishes habitat for birds, amphibians, fish, and other terrestrial and aquatic species living in creek corridors. Our riparian planting program compensates for the unavoidable riparian impacts created by sediment removal, bank stabilization and vegetation management activities.

To learn more about this year’s Valley Water’s Stream Maintenance Program, visit

Here are pictures of two of Valley Water’s Stream Maintenance Program projects in 2023.