Angelenos rip Mayor Bass’ failure to escalate homelessness programs in response to Newsom directive and Grants Pass

LA Mayor Karen Bass has rebuked the Supreme Court and Gov Newsom and committed LA to continuing its zealous embrace of the misguided Housing First ideology.  Yuval Kremer in the excellent CityWatchLA finds Bass’ strategy wrong-headed and likely to increase homeless suffering in the City of Angels. 

Unlike Mayor Karen Bass and LA County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, who are stubbornly sticking to their very expensive and very slow Housing First approach, San Francisco is using a Bussing First approach, offering the homeless people that they’re clearing one-way bus tickets out of town.

San Francisco is even offering one-way flights out of town, if the homeless person has family at the destination.  

Do you think they’re even gonna verify if they have family there?  

So, while Mayor Bass is doing photo opps at the Paris Olympics, San Francisco’s Mayor is doing what San Francisco was known for doing in the past.  

It’s deja vu. 

But this time, it’s a Bussing Program on Steroids, a race to push homeless people out of town and make them somebody else’s problem, some other city’s problem.  

And we’re the idiots that raised our hands and loudly said that we don’t agree with the Supreme Court and our Governor and will instead lead with (misguided and naive) compassion. 

San Francisco is racing because inevitably there will be pushback and litigation and shaming…and Angelenos will catch a clue.  

So, the faster the better.  

Oh, how cheap it is to pay for a one-way bus ticket or even a flight compared to building expensive apartments for the homeless and feeding, providing health care, etc for maybe the rest of a young homeless person’s life…never mind the fraud that is already likely occurring in the LA Homeless Industrial Complex. 

Read the whole thing here.

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