Fresno County bans public camping

Image by GVWire

Taking advantage of the legal flexibility provided by SCOTUS’ Grants Pass decision and in alignment with Gov. Newsom’s requests, Fresno County has taken a more aggressive approach to ameliorating inhumane and unsafe homeless encampments on public land. The excellent Fresno Bee explains.

Camping by the homeless — or anyone else — on sidewalks or other public property in unincorporated areas of Fresno County will be prohibited under a new ordinance that received final approval Tuesday from the county’s Board of Supervisors. 

The unanimous 5-0 vote comes a week after the city of Fresno adopted its own anti-camping ordinance covering areas within the city limits. 

Following Tuesday’s formal adoption, the ordinance will take effect in 30 days.

 The new law prohibits people from camping: 

  • On public property that’s not intended to serve as a campsite. 
  • On private property that’s not otherwise zoned for camping, or without permission of the property owner. 
  • On areas that would obstruct streets, sidewalks, alleys, trails, driveways by sitting, lying or sleeping or storing personal property. 
  • On any street, alley, sidewalk or other public property or right of way within 500 feet of schools, parks, playgrounds, child-care facilities or libraries; within 500 feet of railroad tracks or railroad property; within 100 feet of roadway over- or underpasses, freeway off- or on-ramps, tunnels or bridges; within 50 feet of a fire hydrant or designated fire lanes; or within 10 feet of driveways or loading docks. 

In addition, the ordinance forbids bathing in public fountains or other public water features, or urinating or defecating on public property. 

Read the whole thing here.

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