Expert: How to make Watson Park sanctioned homeless encampment work

Irene Smith, one of the first local leaders to advocate for sanctioned encampments and congregate housing to address SJ’s homelessness crisis, provides City staff some helpful guidelines re: how to make our first sanctioned encampment effective for both neighboring and homeless communities. From Medium. Three cheers for Mayor Mahan and CM Torres (D3) for doing…

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☆ Opinion: Palo Alto CM says SB-1047 (AI regulation) could negatively impact CA’s role as innovator

Image by Wikimedia Commons According to Palo Alto councilmember Greg Tanaka, SB-1047, ostensibly designed to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) and prevent potential harm—if signed into law—will hamstring technological progress, stifle small businesses, and harm California’s competitive edge in the global AI race. His Opp Now exclusive comments below. California stands at a critical juncture. SB-1047…

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Labor/left progressives used to deride sanctioned homeless encampments. Now they embrace them.

Image by Jordii Sastre Conventional wisdom is a funny ol’ thing: it sometimes shifts so fast that we don’t even notice. Just two years ago, thought leaders advocating for sanctioned encampments in SJ were derided by the local Labor/left as slumlords and racists, guilty of promoting internment camps. Now, even some of the (previously) most hostile critics…

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Long Beach case study: Prop 47’s passage led to an explosion in crime

A page from Court and Courtship: Indian Miniatures in the TAPI Collection by JP Losty(Amazon) A decade after Proposition 47 was approved by Californians, many are questioning whether the crime-lenient bill has actually promoted “safe neighborhoods.” Below, algorithm analyst Ray Manning zooms in on Long Beach’s publicly available data, finding that: no, crime of all…

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