Former State Senator: Attempts to thwart the Taxpayer Protection Initiative show blatant disregard for the will of the people

Howard Jarvis after California Proposition 13 victory. Image by Wikimedia Commons.

ith the state’s cost of living skyrocketing and two tax-increasing initiatives looming on the statewide ballot, it’s no surprise that Californians are growing increasingly weary of their leaders’ relentless pursuit of more funds. Melissa Melendez in CA Globe says that efforts to boot the Taxpayer’s Protection Act off the ballot are an affront to democracy.

The Taxpayer Protection Initiative, propelled by a groundswell of grassroots support, aims to fortify taxpayer safeguards that have been gradually eroded over the years. It seeks to reinstate a two-thirds threshold in the legislature and citizen votes to approve certain tax hikes. No more underhanded fee hikes siphoning money from your pockets without your consent.

However, progressive politicians are pulling out all the stops to block this initiative, claiming it’s unconstitutional. Seriously? California has a rich history of enacting significant reforms through ballot propositions. Take Proposition 13, for example. It’s been effectively curbing property tax hikes for over four decades. If that’s deemed constitutional, what’s Newsom so afraid of?

Since then, Californians have repeatedly used ballot initiatives to rein in tax-happy politicians. Proposition 98, for instance, mandates that a substantial portion of the state budget be allocated to education. Yet, Newsom’s reckless spending has left the state grappling with financial woes, and he’s resorting to desperate measures to maintain the cash flow, even if it means stifling the voices of voters.

By blocking the Taxpayer Protection Initiative, Newsom &. Co. are setting a dangerous precedent. Letting the people vote is not only a fundamental democratic principle but also essential to preserving the integrity of our electoral process. Californians deserve to have their voices heard on an initiative that addresses their concerns and safeguards their hard-earned money.

Knowing that these restrictions would curb government spending, the governor is arguing that the scope of the initiative’s proposed tax restrictions is too broad. His challenge made its way to the California Supreme Court in early May, and the court seemed inclined not to rule until after the election. The delay would give California’s politicians and their friends in big labor at least two more years to raise your taxes, a virtual surety given the state’s projected budget deficit of at least $45 billion.

Moreover, the initiative’s disqualification could have far-reaching consequences beyond just this election cycle. It risks undermining the foundation of direct democracy in California, a legacy that traces back to the pioneering efforts of figures like Hiram Johnson and Howard Jarvis. By circumventing entrenched interests and bureaucratic hurdles, these trailblazers empowered ordinary citizens to shape the state’s policies directly through the ballot box.

Read the whole thing here.

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