☆ Election roundup (14/14): Bridging differences, finding consensus

Cinderella and Prince Christopher grew up in separate worlds, but soon find their similarities—and mutual affection—overcome everything else. From Cinderella (1997). Concluding our Opp Now exclusive Election ’24 series, SJ Housing Commissioner Roberta Moore rejects the notion that ideological polarization is just a fact we must accept in Silicon Valley—pointing instead to common goals we…

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☆ Opp Now contributor and Stanford prof nominated to head top nat’l science org

Since 2021, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya—Stanford prof of Medicine—has stared down efforts to silence and cancel his fact-based critiques of the medical and gov’t establishments’ COVID responses. His positions have been wholly vindicated over time, and now he has been nominated with much acclaim to lead the National Institute of Health (NIH). Here at Opp Now, we’re proud to…

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☆ Opinion: Change of administrations should doom San Francisco’s $8 billion rail extension

Depicted: Proposed high-speed rail dubbed the “Portal” project by TJPA With the incoming Trump administration planning to defund California High-Speed Rail, it’s time for local transit officials to revisit the already weak case for extending HSR and Caltrain from 4th and King Street in San Francisco 1.3 miles to Salesforce Transit Center. Below, an Opp Now…

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How the 2025 D3 race will not be like 2022

“Take Back D3” We need change with a business mind and experience like Irene Smith… This time, it’s different. When I ran for D3 councilmember in 2022 against Omar Torres, I think it’s fair to say that the race was fundamentally a contest between: More of the same–won. But as we kick off the D3…

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☆ Election roundup (7/14): Gov’t dooms itself with math errors, thinly-disguised money grabs

Erik the Phantom, in trying to control the woman he loves (Christine, pictured with him), inadvertently wrecks his chance to win her affection. From the 1943 adaptation of Phantom of the Opera. Continuing our exclusive Election ’24 analyses, Opp Now contributors argue that local/State gov’t’s tax mania ultimately brought the chandelier down on themselves this…

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Opinion: Data disproves the myth that special elections are unrepresentative

SJ Council voted Tuesday to honor residents’ preference for democracy and hold a special election to replace D3 CM Torres. Dissenting CMs Jiminez & Cohen worry about low turnout favoring wealthier candidates—but a Governing.com study (explained below) finds that special elections tend to indicate regular election outcomes, accurately representing constituents’ picks. [Some people raise] a legitimate question of…

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☆ Libertarian VP candidate Mike ter Maat: Although tax leery, Californians still split the ballot to borrow billions more (2/2)

The fed’s unsustainable financial house may not yet be affecting Californian voters as they decide just how much they want to let their state government borrow. Economist Mike ter Maat says Prop 5 likely failed because it would have enabled indescribable future debt that affects voters’ taxes directly. Yet Props 2 and 4 sailed through,…

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☆ Election roundup (6/14): Local pols overlooked voters’ actual wishes when falling for Prop 5

Because Tom’s so obsessed with Summer, he ignores her insistence that she doesn’t want a relationship with him—and imagines he has a chance. Spoiler alert: Summer marries someone else. From (500) Days of Summer (2009). In Election ’24, elected officials were so infatuated with tax-raising Proposition 5 that—um—they didn’t realize the proposal would get an…

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Perspective: SCC voters decisively rejected rent control (via Prop 33) due to smarter messaging re: housing costs

roposition 33 tried—making this the third attempt in CA—to undo Costa-Hawkins’ rent control limitations (which housing providers cite as keeping them profitable). Below, housing policy expert Christian Britschgi says No on 33’s pivot from “landlord rights” to “housing affordability” messaging is what resonated with SCC voters (60.5% voting “no” this Nov. to expansive rent control).…

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Opinion: Local ballot counting would be fast and efficient if CA started checking voter IDs

Political analyst Kira Davis explains, via X, why SCC is (you heard this right) still counting ballots and determining winners a week after Election Day. Since CA legally prohibits ID verification at the polls, volunteers must painstakingly—and often subjectively, Davis claims—verify signatures, one at a time. A lot of people ask why it takes California…

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