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A man in a white shirt smiling for the camera.

Matt Mahan- Watsonville native leads San Jose mayoral race!

Watsonville-raised Matt Mahan is favored to become the next mayor of America’s 10th largest city....

Harker students host San Jose Mayoral Campaign in collaboration with Yerba Buena High School

Harker seniors Sara Bhowmick, KJ Williams and Kris Estrada pose with San Jose mayoral candidate...

Really? Does this make common sense?

Cindy Chavez tatous that she has endorsements from several council members! Lets first start with...

Featured on Today’s Spotlight’s Article!

Mysterious group wants to ‘Take Back San Jose’ A new group has emerged in San...

Homeless Veteran Housing Community


SF’s barrier-free homeless housing aggrandized drug overdoses

The County’s de jure homelessness approach, nicknamed Housing First, immediately provides unhoused individuals with lodgings,...

☆ Local progressives use Trump-like tactics to silence legit political debate

If you’re rolling your eyes at the over-the-top accusations made by local left wing advocates...

Liccardo expresses worries about nonprofits’ lack of accountability

In an email thread recently released by the City of San Jose as part of...

Housing First can never keep up with endless demand, says policy analyst

Is it not a logical stance—poses Edward Ring of the California Policy Center—that building thousands...

Houston Housing Dept: Key to success was discarding “burdensome” zoning laws

Exorbitant housing costs are the #1 reason ex-Californians cite for leaving; yet Houston, Texas continues steadily gaining...